Wednesday, 29 October 2014

All things considered, ol' DWR

All things considered, ol' DWR has quite recently been sitting here for quite a while I thought things over, and I've at long last chosen now is the ideal time to say farewell.

I appreciate blogging about books and talking with my blogging companions yet find there sufficiently isn't time in the day.

On the splendid side, composition employments have gotten and I end up in the stimulation news corner, which is magnificent. On the not really splendid side, this doesn't leave time to commit the hours to DWR that it merits.

I'm not leaving book-blogging behind totally. Like I said, I appreciate it... what's more still have a few books that tragically won't be surveyed here. Be that as it may, I'm joining my wife, Jennifer, over on her blog, Book Noise, and all future surveys and book news will be posted there.

Dim Wyrm Reads will stay up and I want to exchange a considerable measure of the substance over to Book Noise so it will in any case be online for book-significant others to view.

Notwithstanding going by me on Jenn's website (surmise I have to get in the propensity of saying our webpage), I trust you stop by my other online homes to see what I'm dependent upon. You can discover me at Bscreview, Bsckids, and Latest Cinema News. Want to see you there.

I'd like to thank all my companions and adherents for going to my little spot in the blogosphere, and I anticipate seeing you around the web.

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